Vastu Tips for a Calm and Soothing Bedroom

bedroom Vaastu tips

After a long day at work, you expect to be able to relax and sleep in your bedroom. And Vastu Shastra can assist you in ensuring that your sanctuary is filled with positive energy.

Vastu is a set of techniques for controlling the flow of cosmic energy within a room to enhance living conditions and promote harmony. These bedroom Vastu tips, when used correctly, can help you create a more positive environment at home.

Best Vastu Directions for All Bedrooms!

Vastu for Master Bedroom: According to Vastu, the best location for your master bedroom is in the southwest corner of your home.

Vastu for Children’s Bedroom: The rooms on the right western side of your home can be designated as the children’s room.

Vastu for Guest Bedrooms: Any room in your home’s eastern corner can be used as a guest room.

Vastu for Study Room: The southeast corner of your home can be designated for studying and working.

Now that you know what Vastu Shastra says about bedroom directions, you can welcome good vibes into your home with these simple Vastu tips for bedroom interiors.

1. The Vastu Direction of the Master Bedroom

According to Vastu, the ideal location for the master bedroom is in the home’s southwest corner.

In other words, Vastu recommends reserving the northeast direction for the pooja room rather than the master bedroom. Similarly, according to Vastu, the southeast is the wrong direction for the master bedroom because it is ruled by Agni, which can cause quarrels and misunderstandings between couples.

According to Vastu, the entrance to your master bedroom should be on the room’s north, west, or east side. Single doors are ideal for bedrooms and should never be on the south-side wall.

2. The Vastu Direction of the Bed

Vastu Shastra for bedrooms advises against placing the bed directly opposite the door. Furthermore, you must ensure that no beam crosses over the bed.

Aside from paying attention to the direction of the bed, according to Vastu, ensure the shape of your mattress is regular. You should also remember that your bed does not face north. This means that your head should not be pointing north, which can cause stress.

3. Wardrobe Vastu in the Bedroom

According to Vastu Shastra, the furniture placement in a bedroom is critical for making you feel at ease. As a result, the correct wardrobe Vastu for the bedroom suggests that heavy objects such as cupboards and almirahs be placed in the south, southwest, or west directions. Cabinets can also be positioned in the northwest order. Positive energy flows more freely in these directions.

Another helpful Vastu tip is to position the safe along the south wall, so it opens towards the north of the bedroom. Remember that mirrors should not be placed on wardrobe doors because they may reflect negative energy into your bedroom, according to Vastu. However, in the case of a small bedroom, you can place the mirror on the wardrobe as long as it does not reflect your bed.

4. Vastu Recommendations for Mirror Positioning in Your Bedroom!

Mirrors are essential in the master bedroom, according to Vastu guidelines. A dressing table beside the bed is encouraging because it ensures that the mirror does not reflect your body while you sleep. According to Vastu Shastra, a mirror opposite the bed can fetch lousy luck from the person using the bedroom.

Furthermore, the mirror in the master bedroom should be placed 4 to 5 feet above the ground, according to Vastu. Also, remember that placing two mirrors opposite each other can attract negative energies.

5. Bedroom Vastu for Electronics and Television

According to the principles of Vastu Shastra, it is best to avoid keeping televisions and devices in your bedroom because they emit energy that can disrupt sleep. If you must have a television in your room, make sure it faces southeast. In general, they should not be in the Vastu sleeping direction.

6. Other Master Bedroom Dos and Don’ts!

Dos: The door to your bedroom should open at 90 degrees and smoothly, without making any creaky sounds, according to bedroom Vastu (just like a door to opportunities)

A pleasant object, such as a family portrait or a bouquet, should be the first thing in your line of sight.

Don’ts: According to Vastu, the bed should not be directly across from the bathroom, and the bathroom door should be closed at all times.

Avoid putting the bedrooms in the center of the house.

7. Vastu for Kids’ Bedrooms

Bedroom Vastu for children’s rooms is frequently overlooked. This room is just as important as the others in that it fosters a loving and nurturing environment for a child. The following suggestions will assist your child in attracting good dreams and more:

1. The Design of Children’s Bedrooms and Furniture: The children’s space should be in the western section, with the door facing east. Furthermore, according to Vastu, one’s sleeping direction should be towards the west or southwest corner of the room to attract good health and fortune. The study desk should be oriented west or southwest, while the bookshelf should be oriented northwest.

2. Colors that are Vastu-compliant: Green, light blue, purple, and yellow are excellent for children’s bedrooms. Bright colors are uplifting and encourage children to be physically active. These hues improve cognitive abilities such as concentration and attention.

3. Bedroom Materials for Children: According to bedroom Vastu guidelines, a child’s room should be made of natural wood. All home furniture must be of a light color. Avoid metal-framed beds and furniture because they can attract negative energy and disrupt ideal Vastu alignment.

4. Avoidable Errors: Mirrors should not be placed in front of the bed because they can cause nightmares.

Avoid using dark-coloured furniture, wallpaper, or paint.

Reduce your use of electronics because they emit harmful radiation and cause stress.

Remove any squeaking or damaged furniture as soon as possible.

8. Vastu for the Guest Bedroom

Guest bedrooms should also be Vastu-compliant. A proper Vastu arrangement will keep negative energy at bay and ensure the room is cheerful.

North-west is the best direction for a guest room. The house owner or the family’s head should avoid the southwest direction. According to Vastu, the sleeping position should be to the south or west of the room. The south is the best sleeping direction because your head will face south. Check that there is no beam running across the bed.

Finally, all electronic items, such as televisions, should be placed on the room’s south-eastern wall.

9. Vastu for a Couple’s Bedroom

According to Vastu Shastra, young couples should place their beds in the northwest corner but not in the hub itself, as this can obstruct energy flow. Maintain a clean and organized north-eastern corner, pair your decor items (animal portraits or statues), and avoid marble flooring.

10. Sleeping Direction As per Vastu

Vastu dictates that you sleep with your head in the south or east. This Vastu sleeping direction will help you sleep well and live a long life. However, it should never be in the north, as this can cause stress in your life. Conversely, sleeping with your head in the west can increase your wealth and reputation.

11. Best Bedroom Colors According to Vastu Shastra

Light rose, gray, blue, and green are appropriate bedroom colors. You can also choose brown, cream, or yellow, which are thought to bring happiness. While blue helps to calm your environment, green is the color of healing and growth.

In any case, avoid using dark colors on your walls and your sheets and curtains, as they can harm your health.

Oye Turtle not only provides you with turnkey interior design solutions but also customizes your home and makes it according to the instructions of Vastu so that the home draws happiness and prosperity.

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